Brigantia Limited

Brigantia Limited is an economic, political, and legal research and strategy advice company. We also provide company secretarial and other related services through subsidiaries.

We are a privately held company. At present we do not accept new clients save by referral by existing clients.

We are not a regulated company. We do not deal in, or advise on, securities, insurance, bonds or any other regulated products. We do not provide public subscription analysis or advice on these subjects.

This site was designed for, and is best viewed at a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

If you have any reason to contact us, then please send us a note of your enquiry in writing to our London Office at Blackwell House, Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 5AE or call (020) 7917 9444 between 09:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday, London Time. Facsimile (020) 7100 3979.

Trading Disclosure

Brigantia Limited is a private company limited by shares under the Companies Act 2006, and is registered in England with number 6683538. The company was incorporated in 2008 as Brigantia Services Limited and changed its name in July 2013. Its registered office is at Blackwell House, Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 5AE. This is also its service address. Under the Companies Act 2006 section 1144(1) and Schedule 4, BSL does not accept service by electronic means other than facsimile telecopier to (020) 7100 3979.

The company is registered for VAT with number GB 974 4478 73.

Brigantia Limited is represented by offices in London • Leeds • San Francisco • Vancouver • Los Angeles

Copyright © 2008-2013 Brigantia Limited